Urban Night

Urban Night

The sign, half shadowed

by burned out bulbs

flickers in panicky spasms

a dying cadence

echo a lifeless enterprise

“we welcome you to join us”

a nearby church gushes

attempts at shrubbery

green leafed reflections of an aged saint

a man pedals by on his bike

grocery bag stuffed in a basket

here is my life

here is my life

it whirs and clicks

on the impassive pavement

A hollow horn answers in the distance

bouncing headlights respond

They say there’s a city that never sleeps

I know of none that do

Less than a meter apart

two strangers pass

surrounded by people

yet loneliness engulfs them

billboards flooded in garish light

imprint their sublimation

wondering who is foolish enough to believe them?

rain begins to fall

emptying the streets

thunder roars

the sound of nature

odd and surreal

in this man made place

static lights up the sky

revealing for an instant the naked truth

we are not

who we think

we are not alone

High above this place

power exists

Man made


sky rise

red light

green light

brick and wood

where living breathing people

pass through time

ever under the eye

of the great