The musicians...
Hello! Welcome to my blog. I’m thrilled you stopped by. Follow my blog for recipes, parenting tips, farming and nature photography and faith building messages. If you see something you like, share it and let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from all of you.
To start with, here’s a little something about who I am and why I started this blog. I live in small town Saskatchewan with my husband and our 4 children who we are parenting along with their biological father. My children are creative, hilarious and fabulous ( yes, I know I’m biased, but they are pretty awesome). I work part time as an educational assistant, help out on my parents farm and spend countless hours cooking for my large family. I love taking recipes and adapting them, tweaking them here and there and trying new things...then I love serving them to my kids who question the integrity of my skills and are my harshest critics. So if a recipe gets past them you can rest assured it’s a good one;) I love to try new things so this blog will have a lot of variety, including ethnic dishes, desserts and comfort food. I also follow trim healthy mama eating as much as possible so there will be paleo and low carb recipes too. A little something for everyone.
One of my fondest memories from my childhood involves my sisters and I cranking the family stereo and dancing around the kitchen. Having the music on and laughing with each other we were able to sail through chores and have a good time doing it! The tradition has been carried over to my own family and my kids love to have an after dinner dance party and they all like to listen to music while we cook and clean. Maybe its just me getting old but they do like the music LOUD! Some days it feels like there IS a “concert in my kitchen.” I Love it! I love how the kitchen is the center of the family life. The busy, crazy, messy place where we visit, interact, eat and live. I love cozy winter evenings gathered around a table laden with warm wholesome food, I love busy summer evenings with the kids running in and out for drinks and snacks and to tell me about the latest critter they caught. The kitchen is the heart of our home and I am thrilled to be the conductor;) Orchestrating meals and mayhem and all the while sending praise to the master musician and author who guards and directs and makes it all possible.
My prayer is that some of the blessings in my life will spill over to yours as you join me in this journey called life. So lets eat, pray, love and hang on for the ride. Thanks for reading and taking a peek at the music and recipes from the Concert in my Kitchen.