Would you Rather?

Would you Rather?

Have you ever played the game, “Would you Rather?” My kids really like to play this game and I absolutely can’t stand it! If you have never played it or heard about it, it goes something like this,” Would you rather have to walk across Lava everywhere you go or have your feet permananelty encased in blocks of ice?” Due to my high levels of anxiety and vivid imagination I immediately picture myself in both those scenarios with alarming reality and I am forced to say…” Neither. Those are both horrible things and you would die either way.” Cue my kids rolling their eyes and saying,” Mom it’s just a game!” Sorry kids…let’s play a game about unicorns and rainbows.;)

The other day I read a post online and it left me feeling so full of negative energy and drained emotionally. After I read it this question popped into my mind…Would you rather lose a friendship or prove a point politically? Would you rather…be right or be kind? There are so many opinions out there and people seem to feel that if they are typing from their keyboard they can say things they would never say in person. But guess what? Those are real words you are typing and real people are reading them. These words have a real impact on people and they say a lot about who you are as a person.

Here’s a fact: there is absolute truth in this world. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in. Go ahead and do that, but please do it in a way that is loving and compassionate. If you meet someone who thinks different than you that’s great! Have a conversation about it. Tell then what you believe and why and listen respectfully to what they have to say. Use respect. Always!

You know who was a great example of this? Jesus. In the New Testament whenever he spoke harshly or in judgement it was to criticize self righteous hypocrites. In Luke 10: 38-40 We read a story where Jesus goes to visit at Martha and Mary’s house. Martha is busy preparing a big meal for everyone and Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus learning from Him. Martha in exasperation says,”

Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come help me!. But the Lord said to her,” My dear Martha, You are worried and upset about many things! There is only one thing worth being concerned over. Mary has discovered it and it will not be taken away from her.”

It seems like a harsh answer that Jesus has for Martha, but if you look deeper he is saying to her,” Would you rather have a fancy dinner or a simple meal and communion with me?”

There are many other examples in the bible where Jesus asks people to look inside, at their motives and ask themselves…”Would you rather do this thing, say that thing or have great relationships? “ Relationships with God, with your heavenly Father, relationships with the people in your life. What is the issue? Is it more important than relationship? Sometimes it is. I know this from experience, but lots of times it is not.

You have all heard the saying, Before you speak ask yourself three things: Is it true? Is it Kind? Is it necessary? I find the older I get the quieter I get. There will always be left wingers and right wingers. There will always be liberals and conservatives. The answer to peace is not that we all come together and agree on everything, that is childish and absurd. The only time we will have world peace is when the world finally answers to the Prince of Peace, Immanuel, the Holy one.

Until that day let’s soften our verbal blows, ask yourself if what you are saying is worth it. Ask yourself..would you rather be right or be kind?