Haystack Cookies

These no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies are delicious and super easy. I remember eating these cookies as a child, seemed like everyone was making them back then, but you don't see them as often now for some reason. Here's to hoping they make a comeback! It is nice in the summer to have something to bake that doesn't require running the oven, not all of us have the luxury of air conditioning;) These cookies are great to take along in lunch boxes...now that we are approaching the back to school season. I have mixed feelings about the approach of school, it's always exciting to see the kids head off to a new year, everything fresh and exciting, but it's also sad to see the end off summer and all our many adventures! Good thing there's no mixed feelings about these cookies! Well..except the guilt when you eat too many! Hope you enjoy!

Main Ingredients

3 cups rolled oats

1 cup shredded coconut

1/2 cup butter

3/4 cup milk

1/2 cup cocoa powder

2 cups sugar



Step 1: In a medium bowl stir together oats and coconut. Set aside.

Step 2: Set out a sheet of wax paper on the counter as you will need to work quickly after the next step.

Step 3: In a heavy saucepan over medium heat melt butter. Add milk, cocoa and sugar and stir continuously.

Step 4: Bring to a boil and stir constantly as it boils for 3 minutes.

Step 5: Pour over coconut and oat mixture. With a wooden spoon stir and mix until all the liquid is absorbed.

Step 6: While mixture is still warm drop by tablespoon onto wax paper.



Step 7: If your house is very warm you may need to place cookies in fridge to help them set.

Step 8: Once they are set...enjoy! These cookies freeze well or keep in airtight container for 3 days.

Haystack Cookies