Worth more than rubies

Worth more than rubies

Who can find a virtuos woman? For her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10


As I attempt to grow my blog I have been spending a lot of time on social media. Far more time than I would like. I don't really enjoy it, it feels like a chore to me, but it's necessary to meet people and to do research if you want to have a blog.

Don't get me wrong, there are lots of great things about social media. I like seeing pictures and posts about people's lives, their kids, their work and hobbies. It's a great avenue for posting pictures of nature, artwork and of course..food! Pictures of delicious desserts, piled high with frosting or bakery cakes looking almost too good to eat! People are incredibly talented. I love to see that!

What causes concern, is the many, many posts of people who seem to post selfie after selfie desperately seeking the likes and shares that will send them to instagram fame. They post pictures of themselves with barely any clothes on and ask you for your likes and follows. They smile for the camera but I'm willing to bet they are not smiling on the inside.

Recent research shows there is a reaction in the brain when a person gets a lot of likes or follows on social media similar to the effects of taking a drug. It has become an addiction and more and more young people are succumbing. When I see these pictures my heart aches. My heart yearns to talk to these precious people and say to them," You don't need this! You are more valuable than just your body! You are more precious than gold."

The problem with relying on social media for our sense of self worth is that it is not real. Those people don't care about you, they just want to see more skin. They want  to see your body for the way it makes them feel. It's a selfish, one way interchange with you on the losing end. It is an addiction and therefore needs fed every day. New posts with new likes to make you feel good. Listen my friend, it will never be enough. Never!

If you would allow me to speak right to your heart today I would say to you," You are worth more than a million Facebook likes, instagram followers or youtube subscribers. You are loved! Your price is far beyond rubies."

I value you like that even though I don't know you. I know you are worth more. Do you know how I know? The bible tells me! God loves you more than anyone on this earth ever could. He values you. You are precious to him. He says," You are worth so much to me, I am willing to lay my life down for you."

Photo by acid_ninja/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by acid_ninja/iStock / Getty Images

If you are wondering if this is true, if you feel cynical and alone, I understand. Find a copy of the bible and read it for yourself. See God's love poured out for humanity in it's pages. Find out who you really are and who you are meant to be. There is peace in knowing your worth comes from a God who created you and loves you beyond measure. A Father in heaven who loves you.

He says you are worth more than gold and rubies.

He says you are worth it just the way you are!