Pan Fried Fish with Mango Salsa

Pan Fried Fish with Mango Salsa

It's Friday! Yay! The sun is shining and we are looking forward to an evening at home to do some yard work, play catch and relax. Friday nights require something for dinner that's quick and yummy. What could be easier than pan fried fish? This recipe gets some vibrant colour and a spicy kick by adding mango salsa. Just pick up a few fresh ingredients and you can put this together in no time. Serve with rice and steamed broccoli for a wholesome meal for the whole family.

Main Ingredients

2 lbs fish fillets ( cod, sole or tilapia)

2 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp salt

2 tsp paprika

4 Eggs 

1 tsp baking soda

cooking oil


Mango salsa

1 medium mango

1/4 cup diced red onion

1/4 cup chopped chives

1 medium tomatoes

4 tbsp lime juice

coarse salt



Step 1: Place fish fillets on a tray and partially defrost. Sprinkle with salt.

Step 2: Mix flour, salt and paprika and spread in a shallow dish.

Step 3: Beat eggs and add baking soda.

Step 4: Heat oil in a heavy sauce pan to medium heat.

Step 5: Place fish fillets one at a time in egg wash, covering both sides. Dip in flour mixture and turn to coat.

Step 6: Fry approx. 3 -5 minutes per side.


Step 7: To make the salsa peel and dice mango.

Step 8: Add chopped onion and chives.

Step 9: Dice tomato and add. Toss together with lime juice and sea salt.

Step 10: Keep salsa chilled until ready to serve.

Pan Fried Fish with Mango Salsa