Reality not meeting your expectations?

Reality not meeting your expectations?

This morning I watched my 8 year old son pour himself a bowl of Rice Krispies. I stood back and watched even tho every instinct inside me was yelling to grab it and do it for him. First he overshot the bowl with the cereal and had a mountain of cereal piling on the cupboard before he corrected himself. He set the box of cereal down and casually swiped the extra cereal back into the bowl.

Deep Breath. Let him do it.

Next he grabbed the 4L milk jug and poured milk over his cereal. The milk came out too fast and sent a tidal wave of cereal and milk onto the counter. "Oops," He said, and not realizing I was watching, grabbed a tea towel and sopped the whole mess up. Satisfied in his efforts he grabbed his bowl and spoon and sat down to eat.

As calmly as I could I suggested that next time he slow down a little and also please use paper towel instead of a tea towel. No big deal. Can't cry over spilled milk right? Or spilled cereal?

 As I was cleaning up the milk saturated towel I thought of the Rice Krispies commercial and started to smile. It makes me laugh. I mean, have you seen it? Mom and child calmly sit and eat a bowl of cereal the coffee table in the living room! That's funny right there. The scene is calm and peaceful, the child eats every drop and doesn't spill a single bit. Then they sweetly say good night and up the stairs to bed they go. It's hilarious. I mean I know it isn't supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be sweet...and it is, in a Disney magical princess imaginary kind of way.

Any of you have kids that eat their bedtime snack so serenely and then head straight up to bed? Raise your hand...? Well maybe its just me;) Around here it goes more like the illustration I just shared. Along with kids not staying tucked into bed, kids calling from every room in the house, kids that need to use the bathroom three more times because they drank too much milk in their cereal...and on it goes. We have one little guy that really has trouble falling asleep. He hates to be alone and can't seem to shut his brain off. He needs lots of extra attention at night time.

Times like these can be frustrating as a parent. Perhaps we had envisioned parenting being simpler? Maybe other people gave us false expectations of what it might be like. More hugs and kisses...less dirt and tears? Maybe there are other areas in your life like this. Where expectations are not meeting reality and you are discouraged, frustrated, annoyed and angered.

Take heart in knowing that others have felt the same way you are feeling. Feeling this way is human. We all know what it is like to be human! You know who else knows what it is like to be human? Jesus. 

That's right, God's son knows what it's like to be human. He became flesh and dwelt among us. He was immersed in the human experience, he was human. God knows life can be frustrating. Some things are bigger, more important, more life altering. Some things are smaller, minor inconveniences. The secret to it all is to look at the big picture. In the Bible Jesus says,"

I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart;I have over come the world." John 16:33

I love the words in this me you will have peace. Notice all the things it doesn't yoga you will find daily meditations, in family, in sports, in exercise, in food.... None of these things are terrible of course, they can help you to relax and can be important in your life, but they will not bring peace. Not lasting peace. That peace is only found in Jesus.

Jesus says..."in the world you will have trouble". Yep, he says, I know it's not going to be easy. It will be hard and tiring and exhausting. You will feel alone at times, over worked, disappointed, overwhelmed...I get it. But Take Heart! I love to picture him saying those words in a commanding voice. A joyful command..."Take Heart!" Take heart indeed...I have overcome the world. 

The world belongs to God and everything in it. If we focus on Him, get our eyes off the ground, off ourselves, off that spilled bowl of cereal, and look up, we will be encouraged. Look up to Him for our peace and calm. He will be there waiting. He is the one place where your expectations will be met. Surpassed even. No cold dose of reality with him. In him there is Peace!