Angela Griffin2 Comments

The First Christmas Carol

Angela Griffin2 Comments
The First Christmas Carol

The Christmas season is finally here! Without a doubt one of my most favourite times of year. I love just about everything about it, spending time with family and friends, fantastic food, giving and receiving and christmas music. Yes...I am one of those people that starts listening to christmas music in mid-November and I play it right through til New Years. There are so many new songs to sing and old favourites to enjoy. I also love the christmas concerts, watching the kids perform and listening to the music.

The other night I had the privilege of enjoying a community Christmas concert here in our own small town. I must say we have a lot of talent right here at home! There was singing and dancing and playing musical instruments. I love the way music makes me feel. The delight that starts in my heart over a beautiful piece of music and sends a smile to my lips and peace to my moves me.

I especially love music that brings honour and glory to God, our creator. It's such beautiful way to worship him. He gave us music as a gift that we could, in turn, give back to him.

" Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts."

God has given so much to us, and there are precious few things we can give back to him. In his great love and goodness God became flesh and dwelt among us. He humbled himself to be born, a human birth, born of a virgin and breathed his first breaths as a tiny infant laying in a manger. A humble and surprising beginning for the creator of the world. This is what love looks like. It amazed the angels of heaven so much that they burst into song! One of the few encounters humans have had with angels was brought about by this birth. Shepherds on the hillside watched in amazement as the sky filled with angels bringing glory to God in song. The first Christmas song.

I am certain the delight that was brought to those shepherds far surpassed any emotion that we have felt over music and song. I am also certain it stayed with them their entire lives. Why were they the ones to hear the song? Lowly shepherds tending their flocks? Why not the kings and rulers of the time? Why not the religious people or the priests? I like to think it is because God's love is for all of us. For everyone who believes. God is not for the rich and religious but for any who will come with a willing heart.

With so many things to entertain and distract us this season, let's not forget the reason we celebrate. The beautiful display of God's love in sending his son to earth. Making a way of salvation for all mankind. He did not come to conquer, he came to die, to sacrifice himself. He came for you. He came for me.

Photo by kevron2001/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by kevron2001/iStock / Getty Images


This Christmas add one more person to your giving list. Give God praise and honour that he deserves and loves. Bring a smile to God's heart with a song of thanksgiving. Give God the gift of music from your heart and lips.

And Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying," Glory to God in the highest." Luke 2:13-14