Cabbage Rolls

It looks like we are going for a theme here this weekend...Ukranian dishes. Beautiful, savoury, delicious meals with lots of butter. Comfort food! Cabbage rolls are a but time consuming to make as you have to roll each one up individually, but once you get the hang of it you can do it quite quickly. They are worth the effort and can count as a whole meal since they have meat and cabbage in them. We served them the same night as our Borscht with fresh buns and salad.

Either way I think you will really enjoy these!

Main Ingredients

1 Head cabbage

1 cup cooked white rice

2 pounds ground beef

2 Eggs 

1/2 cup onion diced small

1/4 cup milk

1 tbsp garlic powder

1 tbsp onion salt

salt and pepper

4 cups tomato sauce - you can use canned spaghetti sauce or home made



Step 1: Place head of cabbage in large pot and cover 1/4 with water. Bring water to a boil and then reduce to simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes. Keep checking water level to make sure you don't run dry. If water gets low add some more.

Step 2: Carefully peel softened leaves of cabbage off of head. If they start to get tough to peel as you get closer to the centre simmer and steam a little longer before removing remaining leaves.

Step 3: Cook rice and chop onion.

Step 4: In a medium bowl mix ground beef with eggs, onion, milk and seasonings. Add the cooked rice and mix well.



Step 5: Place on cabbage leaf on a cutting board. Place 1-2 tbsp of meat and rice mixture near centre front of cabbage leaf. Roll away from you tucking sides in as you go. Place in a greased casserole dish, seam side down.

Step 6: Continue this process until all the cabbage leaves and meat is used.

Step 7: Preheat oven to 350F.

Step 8: Pour tomate sauce over cabbage rolls and cover.



Step 9:  Bake in oven for 1 hour.

Cabbage Rolls