What a Reunion!

What a Reunion!

At the risk of sounding cliche...I can't believe summer is over! It really flew by. Thankfully we were able to pack a lot of fun trips and adventures into those precious few weeks. We went camping, hiking, mountain climbing, swimming, boating, fishing etc. The older kids went to camp for a week and we fit in several wonderful visits with family.

In between all the trips we were blessed to receive the bounty from our vegetable garden. I have been canning and preserving and loving every minute of it. I hope to share some of my favourite recipes over the next few weeks, starting with our favourite canned spaghetti sauce. Between that and homemade salsa we never seem to be able to grow enough tomatoes!

So things have been busy, and with back to school and several September birthdays it doesn't look like things will slow down any time soon! Maybe once the snow flies we can hibernate for awhile and relax, put our feet up, sip hot cocoa by the fireplace and gaze out the window at the little white flurries;) Never hurts to dream right?

Last week we had the privilege of enjoying a family reunion with my husbands side of the family. Set at a camp along the beautiful Okanagan lake we were able to relax a bit, visit with family and enjoy the many activities that were planned. The kids loved the kayaks, swimming and group sports and games, and mama enjoyed visits and sipping coffee on the beach!

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In the evenings we would gather round the campfire and the older generation would share memories. Funny stories from childhood, stories of love and nostalgia, sweet memories of loving parents. It was so cosy to sit right by the water, willow trees draping over the waves, soft sand under your feet, the last rays of sun touching everything in golden light...beautiful.

I enjoyed the week and the time together, and was struck deeply by the heritage that can be given when two people love the Lord and love their children. God created marriage and family for a reason, a purpose that is so deep and lasting that we only see the very edge of this blessing here on earth. And the edge that we see is so lovely I can hardly imagine what we will see when we get to heaven.

I had a moment of sadness as I looked at my children and realized that this heritage of a whole, complete family is not one I am able to give them. There are so many times when the sadness of all that is lost when a marriage splits up overwhelm me. Unexpected times like this. The knowledge that a reunion in this manner will not be in our future brought tears of sadness and self pity. My heart wanted to shout,"It's not fair!". Yes, it is true, it is not fair. Life is not fair. It was never promised to be. Self pity comes when we start looking inside and stop looking up.

Like a gentle breeze skimming over the waves on the lake God brought this verse to my mind,

For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ shall rise first, Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18


Ahh...there it is...the promise of God. His words speaking to my heart. Now there's a reunion to look forward to! Not everyone has a family heritage to be proud of here on earth, not everyone can look forward to family gatherings and holidays with anticipation, but this gathering we can look forward to with joy and excitement.

I admit, as summer gives way to fall I start getting excited for thanksgiving and christmas, for the family time and the celebrations, but nothing compares to the excitement I feel when I think off this. I look forward to this reunion with excitement that can hardly be contained. I will see my oldest sister gain, we have so much to catch up on! Grandparents, friends and family. This reunion will be numberless and joy will flow from our hearts, unhindered by any cares and sorrows....and He will be there.

We will finally lay eyes on the one who gives meaning to it all. Our Saviour. With Christ at the centre this reunion will top all others. Nothing can compare! What a day that will be! What a reunion!