Ready to lose some weight?

Ready to lose some weight?

Losing weight might seem like a strange topic for a food blog! Especially one like mine that posts lots of recipes for desserts! I may not have and great weight loss tips, but you don't have to look very far to see weight loss advertisements. In fact, we are bombarded with them. Losing weight quickly is a huge business and many women fall prey to one scheme or another. Admit it...we have all tried a pricey product at one time or another that  "guarantees" we will lose weight and lose it fast! Reality usually sets in before too long and we realize that weight loss only comes by hard work, determination, exercise and good food choices. Nothing worthwhile in this life comes without a struggle, especially weight loss.

Today I won't be selling you any products or promoting any company, but I do have a question for you...are you ready to lose some weight? I'm not talking about the last 10 pounds you have been trying to lose, or that pesky weight that sits around your middle and absorbs your waist line, I am talking about something else entirely. I want to know if you want to lose some weight off your heart.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us lay aside every weight , and the sin that clings so closely to us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12:1

How about losing the weight of pride? The weight of selfishness? The weight of anger, indifference, greed and lies? How about we struggle to lay those things aside. Just like losing weight off our bodies there is no quick and easy way out here. You have to persevere, work hard, struggle and fight. You will have to make sacrifices, give up things you may not want to, give up time you don't think you have.

But you don't have to do it alone. This verse in Hebrews points out that there is a huge crowd cheering you on. What an encouragement! When I do a workout at home or go for a run there is nobody cheering me on. I do it because its good for me and I want to be healthy. The bible says when we fight to lose sin in our lives there is a crowd in heaven watching and cheering us on. Can you picture it? A huge crowd of people that have walked this path and gone on before you are watching from Heaven's grandstand. Watching and praying and cheering.

How do we lose these weights that slow us down in our christian walk? Read God's word, pray and ask Him for help, focus on the changes you are trying to make, make deliberate choices that allow you to do just that. Hard choices will come your way. It won't be easy, but it is possible.

Try losing some weight today from the selfishness in your heart. One kind act for another person..can you feel it? The weight dropping off your heart? Feel lighter already? How about deciding to do what God says is right, instead of what feels good in the moment? Feel the weight of pride falling away? God says He will help us run this race. He wants to see us spiritually healthy...He wants to see us lose all this weight.

Just like losing weight on our physical bodies requires that we get up and move, losing spiritual weight requires that to. Get up dear friend! Get up and move! Don't sit back doing nothing and then wonder why no change is taking place. Get up and run this race and lose all the weight that hinders you. Take on the challenge and never look back.

Let's encourage one another gently and firmly to lose some weight today!