Fishing for Love?

Fishing for Love?

Sing praises to God, his name is the Lord. Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is he. Psalms 68: 4,5

Well, it's Fathers Day! This year I was able to present my Dad with a photo album I had been working on for about...ahem...four years. It is an album celebrating the life of his Dad, Sandford Smith, or Grandpa Sandy as we called him. 

I have been so blessed in my life to have strong men of faith to look up to and respect. This is something not a lot of people in the world can say. I have worked in child welfare for many years and have seen first hand the results of fathers who were not strong, who were abusive, or who were absent. The gift of a good father or father figure is so precious.

When my Dad shares stories of his childhood he often shares memories of his Dad taking him and his siblings camping and fishing. Grandpa Sandy was a very busy man, he worked hard, taught himself the trades he wanted and cared for his family while his wife was ill, yet he still took time to spend with his children. He taught them how to fish, hunt and survive in the outdoors. He made sure his children were not fishing for love.

Many people today are doing just that, fishing for love. They don't know how to be loved or feel loved. They are desperate for the security and peace that comes from knowing you are loved unconditionally. My Grandfather was able to show his children this kind of love because he had a great example to follow. He was a man of faith and he looked to his Heavenly father to guide him and teach him.

Not everyone has a great Dad here on earth, but everyone has one in Heavan. Did you know that God is waiting for you to reach out to him? He will never leave you or forsake you. He will be the Father that cares for you, loves you, comforts you and cares for you. He will be the Father that guides you and shows you how this life ought to be.


We learn different lessons from each of our parents, both are important and necessary. Father's tend to teach their children courage, strength, self control and patience. I am thankful for all the strong men that are a part of my children lives! My children have the opportunity to have Grandfathers, Step Grandfather's, Uncles, Dad and Step Dad. They are watching and learning from each one. Many of them are men of faith and are giving my sons strong men to look up to and emulate. But even if they didn't have these men in their lives I take comfort knowing God would undertake for them and give them everything they need. We don't need to fish for love. Love is given to us as a gift from our creator. We don't need to work for it, we don't need to be great or earn his approval. God loves us just the way we are. God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross, to take the punishment upon himself so that we could be free, so that we could enter into a relationship with him. If that isn't love I don't know what is.

So take some time to ponder your heavenly father and his love today, and take some time to thank your dad or father figure here on earth for their place and presence in your life. It's important to show appreciation!

Happy Father's Day!