Ham Casserole

Ham Casserole

Ham Casserole

There is nothing as comforting as a warm casserole coming out of the oven, and this ham and potatoe casserole sets the mark for family dinner comfort food.The delicious scent of butter,cream and meat wafting through your home is sure to make everyone race to the table when the dinner hour is called. You won't even have to listen to the kids whine ," Just one more level please Mom!" Nope! They will all come running;)

To begin you will need:

  1. flour
  2. salt
  3. baking powder
  4. water
  5. 5 medium sized potatoes
  6. 3 cups diced ham- a great way to use up leftovers
  7. 1/4 cup pls 3 TBS butter
  8. 2 cups heavy cream
  9. 1/2 cup bread crumbs

Step 1

Preheat Oven to 350 F

Step 2

First you need to make the dough. Thats right! This creamy casserole has chunks of savoury dough mixed in with the ham and potatoes. Think peroghy dough style...mmm. 

In a large bowl mix 1 1/2 cups flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp baking powder. Once dry ingredients are adequately mixed add 1/2 cup water. I like to mix almost everything by hand but you can use your mixer for this if you like. It's a bit of a tough dough at this stage so after blending with a fork I prefer to get my hands in there and knead it until it resembles a smooth biscuit type dough. Cover and let sit for 10 minutes.


Step 3Meanwhile peel and dice your potatoes. Place them in a large pot filled with water. You want lots of water because the dough will end up going in the potatoe water as well. If you haven't diced your ham now is the time to do that as well.Step …

Step 3

Meanwhile peel and dice your potatoes. Place them in a large pot filled with water. You want lots of water because the dough will end up going in the potatoe water as well. If you haven't diced your ham now is the time to do that as well.

Step 4

Put the potatoes on to boil. Return to your dough and place it on a lightly floured surface. Roll it out to 1/4 inch thick. Next slice the dough into 1/2 inch strips.


Step 5As soon as the potatoe water begins to boil you want to add the dough. Make sure you start adding the dough as soon as the water starts to boil. Pick up the dough one strip at a time. With a pair of kitchen scissors cut the dough into the wate…

Step 5

As soon as the potatoe water begins to boil you want to add the dough. Make sure you start adding the dough as soon as the water starts to boil. Pick up the dough one strip at a time. With a pair of kitchen scissors cut the dough into the water in 1 inch pieces. Continue until all the dough is added. Boil together with the potatoes until the potatoes are soft.

Step 6

Take the dough and potatoe mixture off the stove and drain. Place in a bowl. Add the ham cubes. Dump into a 9x13 glass casserole dish. Melt 1/4 cup butter and drizzle over top. 

Step 7

In a small bowl pour 2 cups heavy cream. Add 1 tsp salt and a few shakes of pepper. Mix and pour evenly over the casserole.


Step 8In another small bowl melt 3 tbs butter. Mix with 1/2 cup bread crumbs. Crumble evenly over the top of casserole.Step 9Bake at 350 F uncovered for 45 min. 

Step 8

In another small bowl melt 3 tbs butter. Mix with 1/2 cup bread crumbs. Crumble evenly over the top of casserole.

Step 9

Bake at 350 F uncovered for 45 min.


That's all there is to it! Its work the extra effort to make the dough. My 8 year old calls it "dough casserole" and claims its a family secret and too good to share on the blog;) Lucky for you I disagreed with him. Enjoy! Ham Casserole

That's all there is to it! Its work the extra effort to make the dough. My 8 year old calls it "dough casserole" and claims its a family secret and too good to share on the blog;) Lucky for you I disagreed with him. Enjoy!


Ham Casserole