Zucchini Bites

I don't know about you, but my garden is in full swing. This year we planted lots of types of squash so stay tuned for loads of recipes! We have already been enjoying our green and yellow zucchinis. I could eat zucchini just about every day. It doesn't even need to be fancy, just sauté it in butter and salt and i'm good! The kids however...like their zucchini...in disguise;) This recipe they loved! These little bites flew off the platter faster than you can say,"Pass the zucchini." I will be making this one again I am sure.

Main Ingredients

4 - 5 cups grated zucchini

1 6 oz block cream cheese

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

1 tsp onion salt

1 tsp dill

3 Eggs 

1 cup flour




Step 1: Grate zucchini and squeeze until all juice is out. Blot with paper towel and set aside.

Step 2: Place cream cheese in a bowl and blend with hand held mixer.

Step 3: Add all the cheese and spices to a bowl, blend.

Step 4: Add zucchini to cheese and mix well. If your mixture looks too moist add a few tablespoons of flour.


Step 5: Heat oil in a heavy saucepan, about 1.5 to 2 inches deep. Heat to medium high.

Step 6: Whisk eggs in a separate bowl and set aside.

Step 7: Dump flour into a bowl.

Step 8: Roll zucchini dough into small balls. Roll in flour then in egg.

Step 9: Place in hot oil and fry. 2-3 minutes per side.


Step 10: Using a metal slotted spoon remove and place on paper towel to drain excess oil.

Step 11: Repeat with remaining dough in small batches until complete.

Step 12: Serve immediately.

Zucchini Bites