Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

A few years ago I shared, on Facebook, a series of life lessons I learned from my mother. She taught me many valuable things. We don't always realize the importance of the things our parents taught us until we are older, usually until we have children of our own. Some of the things we learned in our childhood are funny and quirky but they are what make our family unique. Things that separate one family from another. As a child we somewhat assume that everyone lives like us, it is a surprise as we grow and mature to see that this is not so!

Welcome to adulthood! We learn our own way and strive for independence and ultimately settle down and find ways to create our own families or our own paths. Today I want to share with you some of my favourite lessons I learned from my mother!

Lesson # 1- When meeting new people always be the first one to smile. You would be amazed how many times I have thought of this and put it into practise. People will relax, receive you and feel that you are friendly all from a simple smile. Who knows how many friendships were started with just a smile!

Lesson #2- It's ok to get dirty. We were not bubble wrapped kids! We were allowed to play and be kids. I remember running around in bare feet, jumping in piles of freshly tilled dirt, making squishy mud pies and splashing in puddles. Now that I have my own children I realize how much extra work...and by work I mean laundry...this makes. I appreciate it even more!

Lesson #3- My mom taught me to value Sunday, to pray and to love God. I cherish these roots as I continue to grow my own faith. 

Lesson #4- Reach out to those in need. My mom was notorious for always trying to help people. She often had people over for dinner that I would have considered...unsavoury. She jumped in and helped in her community and was often making muffins or casseroles to take to a friend in need. I have tried to carry on this tradition and am blessed to have other friends in my life who were taught this too.

Lesson #5- My mother taught me how to plant a garden. As a teenager we hated getting up early on a Saturday to help weed the garden or pick beans, I am sure we complained every bit as much as my kids do now ;) We learned how to work a garden and preserve fruits and vegetables too!

Lesson #6- We learned a good work ethic. Did I mention getting up early on Saturdays to help in the garden?:) We had lots of free time as well but we were expected to help out with chores. This is a super important skill that leads to responsibility and independence. I hope I can instill this in my own kids.

Lesson #7- Be on time! My mother taught us that being late is rude and inconsiderate. If you are running late give someone a call and let them know. It's ok to be late once in awhile but it's important not to make a habit of it.

Lesson #8- Be thankful for the little things. There is magic in the every day. If you can't be satisfied and content where you are and with what you have now you will never be content.

Lesson #9- My mother taught me the importance of family. She worked hard so we would feel loved and cared for. She took time to sit and visit with us when she was busy and let us know we were a priority.

Lesson #10- She taught me how to cook! So many yummy recipes I will be sharing on this blog are my mothers own recipes. She gave me lots of advice and tips in the kitchen. Every time I make pizza I think of her advice," Don't let the pizza sauce touch the pan, it will burn."

I could share many more but 10 seems like a great number. In case it crossed your mind I have a wonderful Dad too. Perhaps I will share some life lessons I learned from him on Fathers Day.